I offer intensive, preparatory courses, tutoring, and coaching on advanced music theory for high school students and musicians interested in taking the Advanced Placement Music Theory Exam.

If your student is about to take the AP Music Theory exam, or is currently taking the course and needs tutoring, or if she has always wanted to know more about the subject, you can consider one of these courses. I use the same curriculum and books used by area high schools to teach this subject.

The ultimate goal of an AP Music Theory course is to develop a student’s ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. The achievement of these goals may best be approached by initially addressing fundamental aural, analytical, and compositional skills using both listening and written exercises. Building on this foundation, the course should progress to include more creative tasks, such as the harmonization of a melody by selecting appropriate chords, composing a musical bass line to provide two-voice counterpoint, or the realization of figured-bass notation.

AP Music Theory Course Description


Contact me for current rates.