One of the questions I’m asked most often, as a piano teacher, is whether adults can learn to play piano. The answer is always the same: Absolutely. In my thriving studio, aside from children, one can always find an active bunch of adult students ranging from college age to 80-year-olds.
The most significant asset adult students possess is self-motivation; no one is “forcing” them to take lessons. The same benefits that younger students derive from musical training can be garnered by adults. Adult students usually begin their training with 45 or 60-minute lessons, using the “Piano Adventures for Adults” method. This two-volume method moves quickly and incorporates many famous pieces, as well as standard repertoire from the classical period.
Upon completion of the series, adult students are ready to choose their pieces, any from Bach to Badelt, or from Billy Joel to the Beatles.
An additional benefit for adult students at KeyNotes Piano Studio is our monthly Adult Piano Forums, in which just the adults gather, and play for each other. While these meetings are voluntary, many students find that playing for each other, both encourages and inspires them.
For more information about our next meeting, please consult our calendar.
Many of my adult students choose to participate in the main recitals in December and June. Although participation of adult students is not mandatory, many do choose to perform, and often inspire the younger students.